1.   There are explanatory notes at the end of each chapter.

2.   This should be annotated with explanatory notes for clarification.

3.   These statements are accompanied by a series of explanatory notes.

4.   I also got an explanatory note intended for another customer.

5.   It is wise to take time reading the explanatory notes at the entrance to each section.

6.   Motion buttresses his approach with many pages of explanatory notes providing the historical basis for every one of his imaginative gestures.

7.   The collection is edited, with copious and indispensable explanatory notes, by Richard Pipes, the distinguished professor of Russian history at Harvard University.

8.   The explanatory notes on the evolutionary pathway are somewhat more scientific.

9.   There are no wall labels, but explanatory notes are filed in a loose-leaf binder for visitors to peruse.

10.   Police said they would issue an explanatory note to tourists on what they should do if they find a suspicious-looking object.

a. + note >>共 1218
high 4.83%
handwritten 3.87%
positive 3.43%
sour 2.70%
new 2.13%
cautionary 1.87%
personal 1.72%
mental 1.70%
conciliatory 1.43%
optimistic 1.21%
explanatory 0.19%
explanatory + n. >>共 86
journalism 6.02%
note 6.02%
variable 5.42%
text 4.82%
survey 3.61%
leaflet 3.01%
plaque 3.01%
statement 3.01%
memorandum 2.41%
material 2.41%
每页显示:    共 10