1.   When all the necessary information has been supplied and any input errors corrected, the request can be sent to LIFESPAN by pressing the RETURN key.

2.   Error correcting codes, techniques for correcting errors in data sent across noisy channels, are used in everything from cell phones to compact discs.

3.   Munoz said that even if the information was brought up to date and errors corrected, pulling up data would require identification, such as a Social Security number.

4.   Mayor Cuauhtemoc Cardenas, said Monday that the list would be investigated and errors corrected, the Associated Press reported.

n. + correct >>共 249
step 6.87%
surgery 5.36%
market 3.00%
company 2.58%
action 1.93%
problem 1.93%
official 1.50%
voter 1.29%
time 1.29%
heart 1.07%
error 0.86%
error + v. >>共 195
be 34.41%
occur 12.82%
cause 4.38%
result 3.80%
lead 2.98%
give 2.48%
cost 1.82%
allow 1.57%
come 1.24%
make 1.08%
correct 0.33%
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