step correct 2.11   We are taking steps to correct the situation.
  surgery correct 1.65   Could surgery have corrected it in El Greco?
  market correct 0.92   Then, perhaps, the markets will correct themselves.
  company correct 0.79   Claborn said the company had corrected the problem in all poles made since then.
  action correct 0.59   If the market is above or below that range, the cartel will take action to correct that, Steel said.
  problem correct 0.59   And, even if too late to help us, are the problems corrected?
  official correct 0.46   Neither officials corrected the public record.
  time correct 0.39   CORRECTS time of Robbiati goal.
  voter correct 0.39   New machines must allow voters to correct overvotes and undervotes.
  government correct 0.33   Farkas added that the public also indicated it was skeptical that the government would correct the situation.
  heart correct 0.33   Pacifico said he would wait until Monday to see if the heart corrects its own rhythm.
  court correct 0.26   The court can now correct its original error.
  day correct 0.26   CORRECTS day of week in overline.
  doctor correct 0.26   Doctors corrected the situation.
  error correct 0.26   Mayor Cuauhtemoc Cardenas, said Monday that the list would be investigated and errors corrected, the Associated Press reported.
  medication correct 0.26   The problem has been corrected by medication, but even now, it is said, Ms. Qian tires easily.
  operation correct 0.26   The second operation corrected a bone spur in his chronically painful right shoulder.
  stock correct 0.26   The stocks are just correcting.
  system correct 0.26   But over a period of time the system corrects itself.
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