1.   Each shareholder will be entitled to one new share for every three they currently own.

2.   In these deals, the institution would buy a stock on the day its shareholders were entitled to dividends, and then quickly resell it.

3.   Shareholders will be entitled to the full dividends paid by Commonwealth bank between now and the time of the second instalment.

4.   ZDNet technically remains part of Ziff-Davis, and its shareholders are entitled to vote at the Ziff-Davis annual meeting.

5.   Shareholders would be entitled to any interim dividend paid in September.

6.   Five purchase options will entitle shareholders to one new Scania share.

v. + shareholder >>共 258
pay 8.00%
reward 3.43%
benefit 3.20%
protect 2.97%
have 2.40%
leave 2.29%
mislead 2.29%
represent 2.17%
tell 2.17%
treat 1.83%
entitle 0.69%
entitle + n. >>共 209
employee 3.70%
people 3.08%
company 2.67%
member 2.46%
child 2.26%
worker 2.05%
defendant 2.05%
immigrant 2.05%
president 2.05%
holder 2.05%
shareholder 1.23%
每页显示:    共 6