pay shareholder 4.61   You would have to pay most shareholders to attend an annual meeting.
  reward shareholder 1.97   Chrysler is rewarding its shareholders both ways.
  benefit shareholder 1.84   Companies are run to benefit shareholders.
  protect shareholder 1.71   The government has to protect shareholders.
  have shareholder 1.38   Both have foreign shareholders.
  leave shareholder 1.32   Now, shareholders could be left with worthless stock.
  mislead shareholder 1.32   It denied that shareholders were misled.
  represent shareholder 1.25   The shareholders were represented by Logan Sabapathy.
  tell shareholder 1.25   He threatened to tell other shareholders at the annual meeting.
  treat shareholder 1.05   But it would have treated all shareholders alike.
  hold shareholder 0.79   The company holds its shareholder meeting today.
  advise shareholder 0.72   On Monday, TRW advised its shareholders against acting on the tender offer.
  ask shareholder 0.72   Eaton asked shareholders for patience with the stock price.
  prevent shareholder 0.72   Publicis argues that True North is improperly preventing some shareholders from participating in a vote on the Bozell acquisition.
  inform shareholder 0.66   Mitsubishi, stock analysts complain, is even more close-mouthed than most in keeping its shareholders informed.
  appease shareholder 0.59   That may have appeased a few shareholders.
  give shareholder 0.59   The marriage terms did give shareholders a bit of a boost.
  satisfy shareholder 0.59   But little of what was said Thursday seemed to satisfy many shareholders.
  say shareholder 0.59   That, the shareholder said, would be another matter.
  woo shareholder 0.59   But the company has had its problems wooing shareholders recently.
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