1.   Until it is filed, judgment cannot be entered nor the action or matter proceed unless the defendant has filed a defence, admission or counterclaim.

2.   To protect the defendant, separate forms of judgment explain both how judgment was entered and what can be done if judgment has been wrongly entered.

3.   Judgment cannot be entered merely on an affidavit lodged by the plaintiff.

4.   If the costs are not paid then, except where a defence to costs has been filed, the plaintiff may enter judgment in default for them.

5.   Where a defendant is debarred from defending altogether or the whole of his defence is struck out, the plaintiff may have judgment entered for his claim and costs.

6.   The court may order that the action be stayed or dismissed or that judgment be entered for plaintiff or defendant.

7.   If the defendant admits the claim judgment may be entered and the question of payment dealt with.

8.   The district judge may enter judgment for mesne profits accrued after the hearing on application supported if he so requires, by affidavit.

9.   After the first suit, Green failed to appear for a scheduled hearing in December and a default judgment was entered against him, records show.

10.   Bufford entered his judgment into the record at the end of December, and declared it final just last week.

v. + judgment >>共 274
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enter + n. >>共 811
country 5.79%
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