1.   Cooperation enters politics By the end of the nineteenth century an important cooperative movement was established in West Ham.

2.   He entered politics full of enthusiasm, but that gradually disappeared.

3.   He had never had any aspirations to enter politics.

4.   I know you have ambitions to enter politics.

5.   Many of its earlier leaders were lay preachers who entered politics in order to apply their religious ideals in practical ways.

6.   De Maizire, a Protestant lay official, had only recently and apparently reluctantly entered politics.

7.   Brown assailed him as Slick Willie, the greatest bluffer to enter American politics in my lifetime, a man whose nomination would ruin the whole Democratic Party.

8.   President Mitterrand, of course, will remain in office, and cohabitation will once again enter French politics.

9.   Although they have formed professional, social and political organizations, Indian Americans have not united to enter mainstream politics.

10.   And as Israel has entered Arab politics, thanks to the peace process, it has become a real competitor with Egypt for dominance in this region.

v. + politics >>共 496
enter 10.20%
play 9.01%
dominate 6.21%
talk 3.49%
discuss 3.26%
leave 2.72%
quit 2.68%
avoid 1.69%
transcend 1.23%
take 1.15%
enter + n. >>共 811
country 5.79%
plea 4.74%
game 3.51%
market 3.16%
building 2.54%
race 2.41%
room 2.11%
area 1.71%
house 1.52%
politics 1.48%
每页显示:    共 264