1.   An optical zoom, which actually enlarges the image the camera captures, is a worthwhile feature.

2.   A digital camera with a digital zoom enlarges the image by using a smaller part of the sensor, which causes the image resolution to drop off.

3.   The images are enlarged digitally inside the camera, and the result is pictures that are blocky, or pixelated.

4.   The zany host, bullet-headed Ahmet Zappa, speaks remotely via a video screen, which enlarges his image to four times life size.

5.   Higher scanning resolutions are only necessary when you need to scale up or enlarge the images.

v. + image >>共 982
create 2.75%
improve 2.68%
use 2.49%
project 2.41%
change 2.38%
tarnish 2.04%
capture 1.84%
have 1.76%
show 1.64%
produce 1.58%
enlarge 0.08%
enlarge + n. >>共 253
alliance 4.10%
hole 2.59%
area 2.59%
heart 1.94%
breast 1.73%
opening 1.73%
settlement 1.73%
building 1.30%
picture 1.30%
understanding 1.30%
image 1.08%
每页显示:    共 5