1.   Sales of missiles endanger Mideast peace and defy U.S. policy against proliferation of high-tech weapons.

2.   This escalation of tensions endangers world peace for no discernible military reason.

3.   Prime Minister Hun Sen has been reluctant, suggesting that the move would harm the national reconciliation process and endanger peace.

4.   As Mideast officials gather in a bid to untangle deadlocked peace talks, Palestinian Cabinet ministers on Saturday warned that Israel was endangering peace by delaying autonomy expansion.

5.   But Hun Sen has been reluctant to hold full-scale genocide trials, suggesting that the move would harm the national reconciliation process and endanger peace.

6.   Delay could endanger peace in Croatia and Bosnia, he warned.

7.   In a letter earlier this week, Hussein accused Netanyahu of endangering Mideast peace with his hardline policies vis-a-vis the Palestinians.

8.   Hussein has accused Netanyahu of endangering Mideast peace with his hardline policies vis-a-vis the Palestinians.

9.   Israeli expansion of West Bank settlements and its delays in implementing the Palestinian autonomy accords are endangering peace in the whole region, a top Jordanian official said Thursday.

10.   This week, King Hussein accused Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of endangering Mideast peace with his hard-line policies toward the Palestinians.

v. + peace >>共 405
make 14.92%
bring 9.98%
keep 7.63%
want 4.21%
achieve 3.96%
restore 3.91%
promote 2.49%
negotiate 2.41%
find 2.37%
talk 2.35%
endanger 0.22%
endanger + n. >>共 390
life 16.14%
security 7.54%
welfare 4.17%
safety 3.43%
health 2.62%
civilian 1.74%
species 1.62%
child 1.50%
public 1.37%
hostage 1.31%
peace 0.93%
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