endanger life 17.05   Toxic waste could endanger lives and poison fish.
  endanger security 7.97   In fact, they may even endanger US security.
  endanger welfare 4.41   Both were charged with endangering the welfare of a child.
  endanger safety 3.62   Police arrested him on charges of endangering safety.
  endanger health 2.76   Being overweight endangers your health.
  endanger civilian 1.84   Human rights advocates are condemning the policy as endangering civilians.
  endanger species 1.71   The fin whale species is endangered.
  endanger child 1.58   This can endanger a child.
  endanger public 1.45   In contrast, he believes, gun control laws can inadvertently endanger the public.
  endanger hostage 1.38   Police declined to give further details for fear of endangering the hostages.
  endanger stability 1.38   Milosevic warns opposition that they endanger stability.
  endanger future 1.25   Pilots and ground crews are endangering the future of the new Air France.
  endanger troop 1.25   He said this compelled Israel to use tactics that endangered its troops.
  endanger people 1.05   Saeki said the leak did not endanger people living near the plant.
  endanger effort 0.99   Political unrest is endangering efforts to re-establish research operations in Iran and Iraq.
  endanger peace 0.99   Delay could endanger peace in Croatia and Bosnia, he warned.
  endanger job 0.86   British passports can endanger your job.
  endanger negotiation 0.86   But Keating said continued testing could endanger treaty negotiations.
  endanger environment 0.79   The explosion did not appear to endanger the environment.
  endanger wildlife 0.79   It is thought that development at the chosen site could endanger wildlife.
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