1.   No legal framework prevails to enable disabled people to counteract discrimination, unfair employment practices, problems of access, etc.

2.   The government enacted laws to protect women from discriminatory employment practices.

3.   The underlying causes ranged from police department employment practices to inadequate police training and evaluation.

4.   For most TNCs, plant size and branch of industry are more important determinants of their employment practices than the bare fact of foreign ownership.

5.   In the absence of systematic research on these questions one can only speculate on the likely consequences of changes in employment practices.

6.   What we need is a good employment practice, not shifting of a goal post at every turn.

7.   But this glosses over some disturbing aspects of its employment practices.

8.   But there have also never before been such harsh employment practices.

9.   Consumer and labor organizations can be contacted for the names of newsletters and groups that track employment practices and boycotts.

n. + practice >>共 710
business 11.49%
spring 6.32%
law 3.75%
morning 3.61%
target 3.56%
trade 3.42%
labor 3.28%
week 3.18%
management 2.45%
football 2.43%
employment 1.06%
employment + n. >>共 386
report 13.76%
figure 6.66%
opportunity 4.87%
datum 4.75%
growth 3.80%
contract 3.69%
level 2.29%
law 2.01%
discrimination 1.79%
index 1.79%
practice 1.26%
每页显示:    共 45