1.   Any company doing federal contract work is absolutely bound by affirmative action requirements and equal employment laws to cover you.

2.   Companies must comply with European employment laws.

3.   Hundreds of students Marched through the city in protest against the employment laws.

4.   In employment law three rules provide substantial assistance to an employee.

5.   They can have very different employment protection laws and social benefits.

6.   This, however, must be looked at with regard to aspects of employment law.

7.   Trade unions have a statutory right of notice and governors must always act in accordance with employment law.

n. + law >>共 635
labor 5.00%
tax 4.86%
election 4.54%
immigration 4.53%
security 4.19%
campaign 3.18%
draft 2.91%
finance 2.60%
bankruptcy 2.21%
gun 2.14%
employment 0.53%
employment + n. >>共 386
report 13.76%
figure 6.66%
opportunity 4.87%
datum 4.75%
growth 3.80%
contract 3.69%
level 2.29%
law 2.01%
discrimination 1.79%
index 1.79%
每页显示:    共 72