1.   An innovative product embodying new technology meets new user needs and sells on performance.

2.   Service departments are responsible for standards of technologies used in the company products and product departments are responsible for the products embodying the technologies.

3.   Or at least architecture is a field in which it is still possible to embody our technology in humanist form.

v. + technology >>共 630
use 22.80%
develop 8.01%
have 2.73%
license 2.66%
sell 2.43%
provide 1.89%
adopt 1.64%
transfer 1.61%
share 1.38%
embrace 1.22%
embody 0.09%
embody + n. >>共 258
spirit 4.13%
principle 3.04%
idea 3.04%
ideal 2.17%
hope 2.17%
concept 1.74%
quality 1.74%
value 1.52%
evil 1.30%
character 1.09%
technology 1.09%
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