embody spirit 1.25   He embodies the spirit of the age.
  embody idea 0.92   Even Ricky Martin, in his loca way, embodies its ideas.
  embody principle 0.92   It embodies stoic principles.
  embody hope 0.66   How did wilderness come to embody hope?
  embody ideal 0.66   The most celebrated technology would embody ideals.
  embody concept 0.53   Fritz Shurmur probably embodies the concept.
  embody quality 0.53   Morris embodies this quality in every glance and step.
  embody value 0.46   The most serious is of starting a business that fails to embody Virgin values.
  embody evil 0.39   For many, McDuff embodied evil.
  embody character 0.33   Silverstone seamlessly embodies his character.
  embody kind 0.33   The Coens embody the kind of success on their own terms that was the talk, and the envy, of the festival.
  embody sense 0.33   Quilts embodied a sense of community.
  embody technology 0.33   An innovative product embodying new technology meets new user needs and sells on performance.
  embody attitude 0.26   They embody the attitudes that caused the riots.
  embody best 0.26   Today, Alsace embodies the best of both cultures.
  embody image 0.26   For that matter, Hamill embodies the image of a rolled-up-sleeves writer.
  embody passion 0.26   She embodied its passion.
  embody sentiment 0.26   Gingrich embodies the sentiment that politicians are going too far.
  embody tradition 0.26   Their work, while modern, seeks to embody Kyrgyz tradition.
  embody virtue 0.26   President Eisenhower was a friendly and unpretentious man who seemed to embody American virtues.
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