1.   Elaborate precautions were taken to avoid disputes between the representatives.

2.   At several voting places visited on Thursday, the only complaint was that voting was slow because of the elaborate precautions against cheating.

3.   But even so, his group took elaborate precautions to prevent any contact between the ancient bacteria and the world outside their sealed culture dishes.

4.   Louse and others tend him amid elaborate hygienic precautions and social rituals.

5.   Security threats aside, many companies are preparing to execute elaborate precautions affecting employees, suppliers and customers.

6.   The report was the beginning of a national witch hunt, and the Mattachine members took elaborate precautions to keep their identities secret.

7.   Though the Feldhofer DNA was extracted with elaborate precautions, the finding was greeted with some reservation because it was a single result.

8.   Elaborate precautions were taken to get Schuller aboard the plane from the Dominican Republic without journalists trailing him making the same flight.

a. + precaution >>共 153
extra 16.71%
special 9.86%
necessary 6.29%
simple 4.29%
proper 4.14%
additional 2.86%
sensible 2.86%
adequate 2.57%
extraordinary 2.29%
reasonable 2.14%
elaborate 1.14%
elaborate + n. >>共 960
system 3.71%
ceremony 2.92%
plan 2.27%
security 1.79%
costume 1.53%
scheme 1.48%
set 1.31%
design 1.18%
ritual 1.13%
preparation 0.87%
precaution 0.35%
每页显示:    共 8