1.   He justified his secrecy as a necessary precaution.

2.   Workers need to understand how quickly human tissue freezes, and the necessary precautions to prevent its occurrence.

3.   It would be foolish to ignore the obvious signs of recession at home and not take the necessary defensive precautions.

4.   Doctors warn patients and take necessary precautions.

5.   And, they said, they believed they had taken the necessary precautions.

6.   Colbert is taking what he feels are necessary precautions, buying only bonds from the largest, most creditworthy issuers such as MBNA Corp. and Citibank Corp.

7.   Everyone on the plane was required to breathe pure oxygen, a tiring but necessary precaution designed to prevent potentially fatal altitude sickness.

8.   He said it will unfortunately take time to inventory the necessary parts and said the risk of injury is small if drivers take the necessary precautions.

a. + precaution >>共 153
extra 16.71%
special 9.86%
necessary 6.29%
simple 4.29%
proper 4.14%
additional 2.86%
sensible 2.86%
adequate 2.57%
extraordinary 2.29%
reasonable 2.14%
necessary + n. >>共 1202
step 4.82%
measure 2.01%
equipment 1.94%
information 1.83%
change 1.81%
condition 1.70%
skill 1.46%
permit 1.35%
if 1.35%
document 1.31%
precaution 0.81%
每页显示:    共 44