1.   A dog can fulfil a dual purpose by providing both company and security.

2.   It fulfils a dual educational purpose.

3.   The dual purposes of this chapter are to describe and explain this major division in the distribution of resources in old age.

4.   This is a dual purpose crop.

5.   This is a dual purpose exercise which develops the strength in your legs and the flexibility in your shoulders.

6.   This visit made apparent the dual purpose of the scheme - of accountability and professional development.

7.   This was a Baptist church in an inner city area with a modern dual purpose building surrounded by high-rise local authority dwellings.

8.   We ask both groups to be aware that the paths have a dual purpose and to show consideration for each other.

9.   This visit made apparent the dual purpose of the scheme -- of accountability and professional development.

10.   Their new position also places them closer to their existing warehouse with its dual purposes of storage and manufacture of patterned bordered rugs.

a. + purpose >>共 773
political 5.37%
general 4.18%
military 3.63%
corporate 3.27%
main 3.25%
practical 2.88%
peaceful 2.77%
sole 2.36%
same 2.19%
medical 2.03%
dual 0.85%
dual + n. >>共 441
citizenship 12.92%
role 9.53%
nationality 6.33%
purpose 2.95%
system 2.03%
headquarters 1.97%
function 1.60%
career 1.41%
airbags 1.35%
currency 1.29%
每页显示:    共 48