dual citizenship 13.82   Dual citizenship is not new.
  dual role 10.20   It has dual roles.
  dual nationality 6.78   Dual nationality is illegal in Haiti.
  dual purpose 3.16   This is a dual purpose crop.
  dual system 2.17   Many pupils are bemused by the dual system of measures.
  dual headquarters 2.11   Wells will operate from dual headquarters.
  dual function 1.71   The RSJC has a dual function.
  dual career 1.51   I have a dual career.
  dual airbags 1.45   Dual airbags are standard.
  dual currency 1.38   Some stores have avoided dealing with the dual currencies altogether.
  dual meet 1.32   Almost like a dual meet.
  dual citizen 1.25   Most are dual citizens, she said.
  dual strategy 1.12   He employed a dual strategy.
  dual use 1.12   Dual use has become the rule and not the exception.
  dual national 1.05   Warning to dual nationals.
  dual identity 0.99   We inherited a dual identity.
  dual taxation 0.99   Chernomyrdin and Niyazov announced they signed an agreement Wednesday on avoiding dual taxation.
  dual control 0.92   This is the kind of blanket with dual controls.
  dual life 0.92   Dorris Dorrie lives a dual life.
  dual message 0.86   Gore thus delivered a dual message.
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