1.   Before long, cheating will have evolved to become the dominant mode of behaviour.

2.   It is bad teaching, but it remains a dominant mode of many professional presentations.

3.   Pastoral myth was a dominant mode of social understanding through much of the eighteenth century.

4.   The dominance of the dominant mode must be legitimated.

5.   This occurs when agriculture becomes the dominant mode of production.

6.   Under feudalism, Marxists argue, the dominant mode of production was based on the ownership of land.

7.   What is the dominant mode of knowledge within the discipline?

8.   In conditions of transition from one dominant mode of production to another, the bureaucracy must be disproportionately rewarded for its support to a dependent political leadership.

9.   However, the pattern of affected family members makes an autosomal dominant mode of inheritance probable, though X linked inheritance cannot be excluded.

10.   But the idea that thresholds exist is becoming widely accepted, and the suspicion that they may be the dominant mode of climatic change is growing.

a. + mode >>共 576
different 3.38%
main 2.87%
new 2.79%
rebuilding 2.03%
preferred 2.03%
automatic 1.86%
defensive 1.78%
multiplayer 1.35%
the 1.35%
alternative 1.35%
dominant 1.10%
dominant + n. >>共 649
republic 6.03%
position 5.71%
player 5.24%
force 4.53%
role 3.79%
group 2.99%
figure 2.19%
team 2.13%
party 2.01%
power 1.89%
mode 0.38%
每页显示:    共 13