1.   Conversely, those under attack from undertakings in dominant positions from other member states have valuable defences to attacking Market dominant undertakings.

2.   Even a dominant firm will face rivals seeking to find a window of opportunity to chip away at the dominant position.

3.   For centuries, they gave it a dominant position.

4.   For the undertaking m a dominant position, valuable lessons are to be learned from these examples.

5.   Predatory behaviour was discussed above, in the context of a firm abusing a dominant position.

6.   The company has a dominant position in the Market.

7.   The dominant position these companies occupied in the economy was sufficient for their position to be questioned.

8.   The firm achieved a dominant position in the world Market.

9.   The primates attained their dominant positions through a combination of military skill, physical prowess, and personal magnetism.

10.   With many browsers and server programs available, Netscape will lose its dominant position in the business.

a. + position >>共 771
new 4.12%
scoring 2.25%
serb 2.19%
same 2.00%
strong 1.70%
israeli 1.69%
better 1.65%
top 1.56%
key 1.39%
good 1.34%
dominant 0.96%
dominant + n. >>共 649
republic 6.03%
position 5.71%
player 5.24%
force 4.53%
role 3.79%
group 2.99%
figure 2.19%
team 2.13%
party 2.01%
power 1.89%
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