1.   Also, the income numbers are reported as current dollar figures, while output is measured in constant dollars, adjusted for inflation.

2.   Although she made the proposal in her budget address, Mrs. Whitman put no overall dollar figure on her welfare plan.

3.   Americans tend to evaluate a calamity like this by trying to put dollar figures on the loss.

4.   And then put a dollar figure on damages....

5.   Any decision in March tied to a dollar figure could impact how much state and city officials are willing to spend to keep the Cardinals happy.

6.   As he talked, he shuffled white legal sheets scrawled with dollar figures and endless penciled notes.

7.   As bids come in, the posted dollar figure rises and the seller is updated regularly by e-mail.

8.   Atlanta-based Cox declined to put a dollar figure on its investment.

9.   Because of this, the dollar figures in the settlement have to be translated into current dollars, or given a present discounted value.

10.   But beyond the dollar figures were people whose lives were touched by the Marshall Plan.

n. + figure >>共 985
casualty 8.46%
opposition 8.25%
government 4.06%
unemployment 3.77%
trade 3.24%
inflation 2.95%
employment 2.95%
action 2.57%
production 2.13%
sport 1.97%
dollar 1.65%
dollar + n. >>共 436
bill 6.50%
amount 6.38%
term 5.00%
value 4.33%
figure 4.00%
proceeds 3.67%
position 3.43%
rose 3.28%
sale 2.86%
deposit 2.26%
每页显示:    共 132