1. Bangko Sentral Gov. Gabriel Singson vowed yesterday to defend the peso using higher interest rates and additional dollar sales. 2. A lower dollar cuts earnings of French companies with dollar sales when translated into francs. 3. A lower dollar makes European goods more expensive abroad and means companies receive fewer francs or marks when they convert their dollar sales. 4. A higher dollar means exporters get more francs when they convert their dollar sales into the French currency. 5. A falling dollar hinders European exporters by making their products less competitive abroad and decreasing the value of their dollar sales when converted to marks and francs. 6. A lower dollar reduces the franc value of dollar sales made by French multinationals. 7. A rising dollar brings more francs for French companies converting dollar sales. 8. A rising dollar helps European exporters by making their products more competitive abroad and increasing the value of their dollar sales when converted to marks and francs. 9. A rising dollar helps exporters by making their products more competitive abroad and increasing the value of their dollar sales when converted to marks and francs. 10. A higher dollar helps profits of exporters whose dollar sales translate into more francs. |