1.   Bangko Sentral Gov. Gabriel Singson vowed yesterday to defend the peso using higher interest rates and additional dollar sales.

2.   A lower dollar cuts earnings of French companies with dollar sales when translated into francs.

3.   A lower dollar makes European goods more expensive abroad and means companies receive fewer francs or marks when they convert their dollar sales.

4.   A higher dollar means exporters get more francs when they convert their dollar sales into the French currency.

5.   A falling dollar hinders European exporters by making their products less competitive abroad and decreasing the value of their dollar sales when converted to marks and francs.

6.   A lower dollar reduces the franc value of dollar sales made by French multinationals.

7.   A rising dollar brings more francs for French companies converting dollar sales.

8.   A rising dollar helps European exporters by making their products more competitive abroad and increasing the value of their dollar sales when converted to marks and francs.

9.   A rising dollar helps exporters by making their products more competitive abroad and increasing the value of their dollar sales when converted to marks and francs.

10.   A higher dollar helps profits of exporters whose dollar sales translate into more francs.

n. + sale >>共 602
retail 11.75%
ticket 5.51%
arm 4.33%
car 3.47%
oil 3.32%
bond 3.14%
asset 2.74%
export 2.63%
auto 2.29%
share 2.07%
dollar 0.69%
dollar + n. >>共 436
bill 6.50%
amount 6.38%
term 5.00%
value 4.33%
figure 4.00%
proceeds 3.67%
position 3.43%
rose 3.28%
sale 2.86%
deposit 2.26%
每页显示:    共 94