1.   Unlike the U.N. Foundation, the Nuclear Threat Initiative will be more than a conduit for distributing funds to other organizations.

2.   But the court left open the opportunity to use statistical methods to correct that count for other uses, such as distributing funds for various programs.

3.   Late Thursday, the parliament enacted a law outlining procedures for distributing funds in the two frozen companies.

4.   Sidorov was in charge of distributing funds allocated for creating jobs in the Russian capital and controlled wellfare payments and the financing of employment offices, Interfax said.

5.   The World Jewish Restitution Organization has argued that it has most experience in distributing funds to Holocaust survivors and heirs and so should be responsible for this.

6.   The established practice of distributing funds equally has meant that no one sector really gets enough, the report said.

a. + fund >>共 655
federal 8.99%
public 8.09%
stock 6.13%
new 4.02%
foreign 3.51%
state 2.82%
additional 1.95%
international 1.89%
private 1.77%
matching 1.59%
distributing 0.04%
distributing + n. >>共 160
food 10.35%
leaflet 5.81%
aid 4.55%
weapon 2.78%
pamphlet 2.78%
company 2.78%
money 2.27%
information 2.27%
supply 2.27%
software 1.77%
fund 1.52%
每页显示:    共 6