distributing food 2.70   The WFP is involved in distributing food.
  distributing leaflet 1.51   He had been distributing leaflets before allegedly exploding the device.
  distributing aid 1.18   The task of distributing aid belongs to the British Red Cross.
  distributing company 0.72   Many other gasoline brands in the region are sold by regional distributing companies.
  distributing pamphlet 0.72   Police tried to stop a Muslim cleric from distributing pamphlets near a mosque.
  distributing weapon 0.72   She is also charged with distributing weapons.
  distributing information 0.59   That will include distributing information notifying immigrants and legal residents of their rights under U.S. law.
  distributing money 0.59   Federal prosecutors said they did not believe distributing money for miscellaneous expenses was illegal.
  distributing supply 0.59   Two weeks ago, Iraq submitted its plan for distributing supplies purchased with oil revenues.
  distributing flier 0.46   So I browbeat a couple of friends into distributing fliers in Central Park.
  distributing software 0.46   CD-ROMs have become the medium of choice for distributing software and audio.
  distributing cocaine 0.39   Stuart is charged with distributing cocaine and conspiracy to violate drug laws.
  distributing fund 0.39   Late Thursday, the parliament enacted a law outlining procedures for distributing funds in the two frozen companies.
  distributing marijuana 0.39   Bolshunov said Wednesday that Tobin will also be charged with distributing marijuana.
  distributing music 0.39   In the process, they provide a do-it-yourself, grass-roots system for distributing music.
  distributing pornography 0.39   Yao is serving a three-year sentence on charges of distributing pornography.
  distributing share 0.33   Four of the five building societies are converting to banks by distributing shares to their members between May and September.
  distributing cash 0.26   But parents may suffer most over distributing cash and loans unequally among their children.
  distributing condom 0.26   In his view, distributing condoms and educating people about safer sex were not enough.
  distributing copy 0.26   With the books stacked in the garage, the family began the slow process of distributing copies two by two.
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