1.   He lays no claim to the supernatural or the occult and disavows the use of confederates, stooges or audience plants.

2.   During the October visit to London of Argentinian President Carlos Menem, Menem disavowed the use of force against the Falklands.

3.   Such sentiment is anathema to China, which refuses to disavow the use of force to recover Taiwan.

4.   The cult has denied involvement in any of the gassings and disavowed the use of violence.

v. + use >>共 447
make 12.53%
have 5.24%
ban 3.97%
allow 2.43%
include 2.31%
oppose 2.28%
limit 2.27%
prohibit 2.20%
involve 1.93%
promote 1.77%
disavow 0.04%
disavow + n. >>共 120
violence 12.98%
connection 7.72%
knowledge 6.67%
responsibility 4.56%
remark 3.16%
statement 3.16%
effort 2.11%
action 2.11%
link 1.75%
confession 1.75%
use 1.40%
每页显示:    共 4