1.   I was having difficulty reading, which I put down to the poor light.

2.   Difficulty reading was the most common reason to be referred to special education.

3.   He has new glasses that allow him to function, but said he has headaches and difficulty reading.

4.   He suffers from partial hearing loss and has difficulty reading as a result of his illness.

5.   He has suffered partial hearing loss and difficulty reading as a result of his illness.

6.   He suffers from partial hearing loss and has difficulty reading as a result of his illness and treatment.

n. + reading >>共 277
poetry 11.45%
time 5.66%
summer 3.73%
line 2.96%
book 2.83%
sonar 1.67%
trouble 1.67%
map 1.29%
confidence 1.29%
inflation 1.16%
difficulty 0.77%
difficulty + n. >>共 128
breathing 22.98%
level 9.06%
face 4.53%
finding 1.94%
reading 1.94%
hearing 1.94%
landing 1.94%
understanding 1.94%
working 1.94%
money 1.62%
每页显示:    共 6