1.   Although he was not interested in the basics of elementary education and had trouble reading, Postol recalled, he began building spaceships in kindergarten.

2.   As a little girl she hated school because she had trouble reading.

3.   At an early age, he was diagnosed with attention deficit disorder, and he often had trouble reading and processing oral information.

4.   But her younger son had trouble reading when he started school, and if the system had not changed, he would have suffered.

5.   But he said he was having trouble reading.

6.   He had trouble reading.

7.   He said he lost faith in public schools when his oldest daughter was having trouble reading.

8.   She had been trying in vain to help a boy who had great trouble reading.

9.   The company, based in the shadow of Northwestern University in Illinois, touts the CD-ROM as especially useful for younger students who may have trouble reading.

10.   The idea of writing and narrating a book is somewhat ironic for a guy who has trouble reading.

n. + reading >>共 277
poetry 11.45%
time 5.66%
summer 3.73%
line 2.96%
book 2.83%
sonar 1.67%
trouble 1.67%
map 1.29%
confidence 1.29%
inflation 1.16%
trouble + n. >>共 241
breathing 16.15%
understanding 3.85%
finding 2.94%
maker 2.75%
reading 2.39%
area 2.02%
sign 1.83%
hearing 1.47%
run 1.47%
support 1.28%
每页显示:    共 13