1.   Finding ways of soothing political opposition to the dumping of highly radioactive waste could prove more difficult than solving the scientific problems.

2.   Selling goods abroad is no more difficult than selling to the home market.

3.   Selling goods abroad is no more difficult than selling to the home Market.

4.   The search for general information is more difficult than the search for specific information because all directions are relevant.

5.   This is something which is much more difficult than physical access to a satellite transmission.

6.   This test seemed much less difficult than the last one.

7.   Here the problem is less difficult than the estimation of absolute figures, because further kinds of evidence can be employed in the search for an answer.

8.   If your case proves to be more complex or difficult than usual then the costs would be more but I would not proceed without consulting you further.

9.   Some sales managers feel that selling abroad is impossibly difficult, but those who try it feel that it is no more difficult than selling to the home market.

10.   Also, handicapping the winners this year is more difficult than in the past.

a. + than >>共 1085
important 7.34%
likely 3.05%
expensive 2.93%
attractive 1.74%
effective 1.64%
difficult 1.27%
complicated 1.26%
powerful 1.22%
dangerous 1.18%
popular 1.10%
difficult + p. >>共 50
for 38.51%
to 25.78%
than 7.04%
in 7.01%
as 4.34%
because_of 3.57%
by 2.67%
on 2.03%
with 1.84%
without 1.24%
每页显示:    共 254