1.   Experience in using the contract and familiarity with its provisions allowed surveyors and contractors alike to devise operating procedures which worked well.

2.   Here, the fixed period contract is very useful, if proper evaluation procedures are devised.

3.   Experimentally this is difficult to measure, and an extrapolation procedure has been devised which makes use of a modified form of equation for large particles,

4.   The Civil Service Commission uses internally devised test procedures with proven validity to assess graduates for their fast stream.

5.   It is therefore desirable to devise procedures which allow a business which wishes to rely on standard terms to rely on the signature rule.

6.   He and other doctors had previously devised a procedure to graft arteries.

7.   Roll helped devise procedures to determine which respondents in early polls were likely to vote.

8.   So instead of rushing to check it, the FBI is taking its time to devise new procedures.

9.   The court said that when a law makes no provisions for appeal hearings, they had in the past required such hearings and had helped devise appropriate procedures.

10.   Then they devise procedures for managing the cost of care, typically by paying group members bonuses or other incentives for keeping patients healthy and satisfied.

v. + procedure >>共 511
follow 10.10%
perform 6.33%
use 4.09%
undergo 3.02%
do 2.94%
have 2.80%
review 2.72%
establish 2.13%
repeat 1.83%
ban 1.78%
devise 0.32%
devise + n. >>共 336
way 16.09%
plan 12.18%
strategy 8.08%
system 4.49%
method 2.56%
scheme 2.50%
solution 1.99%
program 1.67%
formula 1.67%
policy 1.35%
procedure 0.77%
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