1.   Two stepwise logistic regression procedures were performed.

2.   In the non-complex group six patients had the procedure performed under local anaesthaesia.

3.   The procedure is performed with the patient supine on a fluorescopy table with continuous blood pressure, cardiac, and oximetry monitoring.

4.   Six patients agreed to have the procedure performed under local anaesthaeia and six opted for general anaesthaesia.

5.   The above procedures were performed in a laminar flow hood using conventional sterile techniques.

6.   All procedures were performed in fasted patients.

7.   In this group further procedures were performed when recurrent symptoms occurred.

8.   Also for the second time, doctors performed a procedure that opened up a clogged artery in his heart.

9.   Amin performed the procedure with a few assistants, while Long observed the catheter technique.

v. + procedure >>共 511
follow 10.10%
perform 6.33%
use 4.09%
undergo 3.02%
do 2.94%
have 2.80%
review 2.72%
establish 2.13%
repeat 1.83%
ban 1.78%
perform + n. >>共 763
surgery 7.15%
abortion 5.62%
task 4.47%
operation 3.65%
autopsy 3.57%
procedure 3.56%
duty 3.33%
test 3.27%
service 2.71%
work 2.62%
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