1.   Do not, under any circumstances, sneak into a house full of devil worshipers armed only with a kitchen knife and a winning smile.

2.   The devil worshipers constantly capture Maggie but never finish her off.

3.   They have been labeled a cult, devil worshipers, baby sellers.

4.   They must have been devil worshipers because I clearly heard the devil speaking in strange tongues through horns clasped to their heads.

5.   They learned the chaparral-covered hills in the Santa Susana Mountain Pass were used by devil worshipers and often littered with sacrificed animals and pentagrams.

6.   Whites, meanwhile, are devil worshipers and food stamp abusers.

7.   Devil worshipers or wacky kids?

n. + worshiper >>共 18
sun 35.14%
devil 18.92%
pick 5.41%
accomodate 2.70%
ancestor 2.70%
cigar 2.70%
co-ed 2.70%
cow 2.70%
goddess 2.70%
gun 2.70%
devil + n. >>共 56
coach 18.35%
worship 9.49%
defenseman 8.23%
manager 8.23%
worshiper 4.43%
center 3.16%
costume 3.16%
captain 2.53%
owner 2.53%
horn 2.53%
每页显示:    共 7