devil coach 1.91   Devils coach Larry Robinson agreed.
  devil worship 0.99   In Orkney, the idea of devil worship was seen as ridiculous.
  devil defenseman 0.86   Devils defenseman Scott Stevens scored.
  devil manager 0.86   Devils general manager Lou Lamoriello refused to confirm the deal.
  devil worshiper 0.46   Devil worshipers or wacky kids?
  devil center 0.33   Devils center Jason Arnott sat out with a back injury.
  devil costume 0.33   Friends said Lee was dressed in a black devil costume.
  devil captain 0.26   Devils captain Scott Stevens expects Jagr to play.
  devil horn 0.26   The families also hanged an effigy of Ocalan and burned a picture of the rebel leader with devil horns.
  devil owner 0.26   Devils owner John McMullen told the newspaper that nothing has come of the inquiry.
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