1.   Texas Instruments counter-sued demanding an injunction.

2.   Two religious parties went to the Supreme Court to demand an injunction.

3.   Worse, if the defendant loses, the patent holder can demand an injunction to prevent future infringement.

4.   Herbert Reul, chairman of the Christian Democrats parliamentary committee on education, demanded an injunction against teaching the reformed language.

5.   They demanded injunctions against some activities, the right to opt out of others.

v. + injunction >>共 100
seek 28.14%
issue 15.70%
grant 10.93%
obtain 5.47%
lift 3.60%
win 3.26%
appeal 2.44%
overturn 2.21%
get 2.09%
request 1.74%
demand 0.58%
demand + n. >>共 772
release 5.06%
money 3.03%
resignation 2.99%
end 2.49%
compensation 2.19%
return 2.07%
apology 1.76%
action 1.76%
change 1.72%
explanation 1.64%
injunction 0.04%
每页显示:    共 5