seek injunction 15.93   He has sought an injunction.
  issue injunction 8.89   A similar injunction was issued in Delaware.
  grant injunction 6.19   A temporary injunction has been granted.
  obtain injunction 3.09   They failed to obtain an injunction.
  lift injunction 2.04   Friedman could lift his injunction in the next few weeks.
  win injunction 1.84   Some club owners won court injunctions to halt the raids.
  appeal injunction 1.38   Davis is appealing the injunction.
  overturn injunction 1.25   That injunction was quickly overturned.
  get injunction 1.18   They got an injunction before the court case.
  request injunction 0.99   Civil rights groups and two newspapers had requested the injunction.
  file injunction 0.66   Lawyers would file injunctions.
  uphold injunction 0.53   The preliminary injunction was upheld on appeal.
  violate injunction 0.53   Of course the injunctions were violated on occasion.
  order injunction 0.46   A federal court judge in Washington declines to order an injunction against the Northeast Dairy Compact.
  fight injunction 0.39   Baseball and the Twins have fought the injunction, but they have failed.
  secure injunction 0.39   If Bush fails to secure an injunction on appeal, his next step would be fateful.
  accept injunction 0.33   Justice Antonin Scalia asked whether Sekulow would accept an injunction that prohibited shouting.
  block injunction 0.33   Two days later, the appeals court issued a stay blocking the injunction.
  challenge injunction 0.33   The injunction is being challenged on First Amendment grounds.
  demand injunction 0.33   Texas Instruments counter-sued demanding an injunction.
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