1.   The decision also narrowed the rules for notification and eliminated provisions for communitywide notification for those deemed high risks of a repeat offense.

2.   The decision vastly narrowed their search, because condos make up a lesser proportion of the available housing.

3.   The decision significantly narrows the obligation for school officials to justify urine sampling among students who are not suspected individually of drug use.

4.   While the decision greatly narrows the scope of which municipal entities can seek bankruptcy protection, it comes too late to have much financial impact in Orange County.

5.   The decision narrowed the window of time for returns to be counted in three Florida counties where hand recounts were under way when the court ruled.

n. + narrow >>共 255
gap 11.59%
eye 10.62%
deficit 5.93%
loss 4.14%
spread 3.72%
margin 3.03%
side 2.07%
difference 1.66%
court 1.38%
field 1.24%
decision 0.69%
decision + v. >>共 470
be 27.27%
come 9.79%
have 4.22%
follow 2.50%
mean 2.10%
make 2.08%
rest 1.29%
affect 1.22%
leave 1.09%
go 1.09%
narrow 0.05%
每页显示:    共 5