1.   Her dark eyes narrowed for a moment.

2.   Her eyes had narrowed and her head tilted slightly to the side.

3.   His eyes narrowed slightly but he started the second verse in the minor key she was using, following her lead.

4.   Hotspur sat bolt upright in the saddle, his eyes narrowed on the hurtling horsemen, and never moved a hand.

5.   Then Tagan, the tracker, stopped and stood in his stirrups, his head up and his eyes narrowed.

6.   His eyes narrowed as he focused on the words in front of him.

7.   She turned and looked at the distant figure of Dorcas and her eyes narrowed.

8.   Then she rode to Scathach, who stood with his arms folded and his eyes narrowed, watching his sister.

9.   He closed the briefcase and his eyes narrowed.

10.   Morton, eyes narrowed, hands clasped before him on the desk, seemed decisive, intelligent.

n. + narrow >>共 255
gap 11.59%
eye 10.62%
deficit 5.93%
loss 4.14%
spread 3.72%
margin 3.03%
side 2.07%
difference 1.66%
court 1.38%
field 1.24%
eye + v. >>共 547
be 24.63%
see 3.07%
meet 1.80%
narrow 1.63%
look 1.61%
turn 1.56%
have 1.50%
seem 1.48%
fill 1.48%
widen 1.46%
每页显示:    共 77