1.   The women can no longer appeal because a deadline lapsed.

2.   US Trade Representative Mickey Kantor and Chinese Foreign Trade Minister Wu Yi sipped champagne after signing the copyright agreement, forged after a sanctions deadline lapsed last month.

3.   Under the IPR accord, reached last month as a sanctions deadline lapsed, China is to abolish import restrictions on audio-visual and publishing products.

4.   Under the IPR agreement, reached last month as a sanctions deadline lapsed, China has pledged to boost implementation of existing copyright legislation.

n. + lapse >>共 102
law 6.94%
contract 5.78%
bid 5.20%
agreement 4.05%
policy 3.47%
time 2.89%
deadline 2.31%
period 2.31%
authority 1.73%
license 1.73%
deadline + v. >>共 139
be 36.90%
pass 20.18%
expire 7.52%
approach 4.54%
come 4.47%
loom 2.84%
near 1.69%
set 1.56%
have 1.42%
slip 1.02%
lapse 0.27%
每页显示:    共 4