1.   And this was his last first day of school in New York City.

2.   Factor in a travel snafu such as that caused by the American Airlines labor situation the last several days and you have the potential for trouble.

3.   I had been practicing really lightly the last few days and then, yesterday, I went harder in the practice and I aggravated it.

4.   In the last few days, the Reds defense, which was poor and porous last year, has been neither healthy nor strong.

5.   Nursing homes also are changing from being repositories where the oldest-old live out their last days in dreary isolation to centers of continuing activity along with care.

6.   Payton knew he was dying but hoped to live out his last days in peace, on his own terms.

7.   Perhaps politicians serving out their last days in office should be urged to do as little as possible.

8.   Rather than parading floats through the streets, Mexicans re-enact the last days of Christ.

9.   The typical passage lasts days, not hours, agents inform surprised travelers.

10.   We worked hard the last few days to get him.

n. + last >>共 44
season 53.86%
inning 12.25%
time 6.66%
session 4.24%
year 3.93%
night 3.18%
day 2.42%
period 2.12%
summer 1.51%
weekend 1.36%
day + n. >>共 1369
job 2.99%
trip 2.26%
time 1.59%
trader 1.51%
hour 1.39%
game 1.36%
people 0.86%
running 0.76%
school 0.68%
work 0.68%
last 0.14%
每页显示:    共 16