season last 23.44   He has made the Pro Bowl the last six seasons.
  inning last 5.33   Dan Plesac pitched the last two innings.
  time last 2.90   UMass won the last three times.
  session last 1.84   The market has fallen in each of the last five sessions.
  year last 1.71   He lived his last years in obscurity.
  night last 1.38   I got some good sleep the last two nights.
  day last 1.05   We worked hard the last few days to get him.
  period last 0.92   Both teams were flat for much of the last two periods.
  summer last 0.66   Venus got this far the last two summers before going belly up.
  weekend last 0.59   It takes place Thursday through Saturday nights on the last two weekends of June.
  week last 0.46   The Cowboys have played poorly the last several weeks.
  month last 0.39   But something has been wrong with him the last few months.
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