1.   Whether PLV or RTV, once inserted in the CD-ROM database, the DVI file can be retrieved like any other data element.

2.   As we saw above, it is based on the process of linking together multimedia data elements and allowing users different options for getting from one to another.

3.   This will mean that ever better quality video and larger volumes of other data elements will be available via ordinary telecommunication lines.

4.   Data elements represent facts concerning people, objects, events, and so on.

5.   Entities participate in functions of the organisation and the attributes are those data elements that are required to support the functions.

6.   The best rule of thumb is to ask whether the data element has information about it, in other words does it have attributes?

7.   Any data element in the organisation must be defined as an entity, an attribute or a relationship and recorded in the data dictionary.

8.   Identify the data elements on these documents and attach names to each of these.

9.   The concepts they use may involve the following, data elements, data tables, databases, knowledge bases, software applications, interfaces...

n. + element >>共 340
design 5.75%
rogue 4.04%
right-wing 2.64%
time 2.48%
core 2.48%
fringe 2.17%
plot 2.17%
story 2.02%
picture 1.86%
surprise 1.55%
datum 1.40%
datum + n. >>共 495
base 11.30%
recorder 9.12%
service 4.62%
transmission 3.75%
network 3.72%
center 3.08%
storage 2.49%
collection 2.38%
system 2.21%
file 2.01%
element 0.25%
每页显示:    共 9