1.   A new congressional report describes inadequacies of state insurance regulation and criticizes state regulators for failing to prevent illegal actions by insurance companies.

2.   Firestone criticized Saudi regulators for the decision.

3.   The recent appeals court decision instead criticizes the regulators as ignoring bankruptcy rules and creating a poorly structured auction.

4.   The trade representative also criticized Mexican regulators for not bringing Telmex into line.

5.   The titans of the derivatives business, stung by high-profile losses and unflattering publicity, fought back Wednesday by criticizing regulators for overstepping their authority.

v. + regulator >>共 179
bank 11.36%
satisfy 4.55%
tell 4.55%
say 3.10%
inform 2.69%
run_afoul_of 2.69%
ask 2.69%
concern 2.69%
appease 2.48%
notify 2.48%
criticize 1.03%
criticize + n. >>共 1332
government 7.74%
plan 2.68%
decision 2.40%
move 1.76%
proposal 1.47%
official 1.47%
policy 1.45%
police 1.38%
president 1.36%
leader 1.30%
regulator 0.06%
每页显示:    共 5