bank regulator 3.62   Federal banking regulators had approved the annuities.
  satisfy regulator 1.45   But these efforts must satisfy watchful regulators.
  tell regulator 1.45   WorldCom told state regulators Tuesday of its plans.
  say regulator 0.99   That is likely to change, regulators said, as a result of the State Farm investigation.
  ask regulator 0.86   Minnesota Democratic Rep. Bruce Vento asked federal regulators.
  concern regulator 0.86   That is an issue that can sometimes concern antitrust regulators.
  inform regulator 0.86   Bayer should have informed the regulator within two weeks, Schroeder said.
  run_afoul_of regulator 0.86   GSC has run afoul of regulators in other states as well.
  appease regulator 0.79   And Pepsi may have to sell All-Sport to appease antitrust regulators.
  notify regulator 0.79   The bank did not notify regulators until September.
  lobby regulator 0.53   Duncan also testified that Andersen employees lobbied regulators for broader powers to act both as auditor and adviser.
  placate regulator 0.53   Executives must placate regulators and wring savings out of the combined companies to meet the demands of Wall Street.
  leave regulator 0.46   That could leave regulators in a bind.
  accuse regulator 0.39   In some cases, federal regulators have been accused of ignoring evidence of environmental recklessness by their official brethren.
  alert regulator 0.39   Kansas Gas Service last week alerted regulators to its deepening concern.
  deceive regulator 0.39   If the regulators had been deceived about any secret ownership by BCCI, he said, he too had been deceived.
  give regulator 0.39   Regulators will be given flexibility.
  include regulator 0.39   The second meeting will not include regulators.
  criticize regulator 0.33   Firestone criticized Saudi regulators for the decision.
  game regulator 0.33   Analysts said that the deal, which still must be approved by stock holders and gaming regulators in several states, makes sense.
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