1.   But minutes later, the American crew sailed into the most welcome patch of shifting breeze it has found in this series yet.

2.   Close to tears as he talked to reporters, Makoto Namba, skipper of the Nippon Challenge from Japan, explained that his crew was sailing better.

3.   Until then, his crew will be sailing under extra pressure.

4.   A South African crew is sailing Orion Express, and a variety of Europeans, Asians and Americans are crewing the others.

5.   The all-women crew will be sailing their new boat in the fourth round robin.

6.   The Dubai crew could sail as early as Monday but she would have to leave without the eight crewmembers who hid the surviving stowaway.

n. + sail >>共 236
ship 16.92%
ball 8.73%
boat 6.28%
vessel 3.96%
shot 3.82%
throw 2.73%
yacht 2.46%
ferry 1.77%
warship 1.77%
pitch 1.50%
crew 0.82%
crew + v. >>共 983
be 12.57%
have 4.75%
work 2.99%
try 1.70%
say 1.70%
arrive 1.61%
begin 1.60%
plan 1.23%
continue 1.17%
take 1.17%
sail 0.09%
每页显示:    共 6