1.   Captain Feener suspected the crew was planning a mutiny.

2.   Altogether, the Atlantis crew plans four long outings as they add two major components to the space station.

3.   At the American Media building, a cleanup crew planned to collect more environmental samples to determine where anthrax is located.

4.   About two hours after the docking, the shuttle crew plans to greet the three astronauts aboard the Mir and exchange small gifts.

5.   During a future spacewalk, the Mir crew plans to sever and discard the mangled solar arrays.

6.   During a five-day stay, the visiting shuttle crew plans to unload the Progress and begin the task of installing the Russian life support equipment.

7.   For the rest of the flight, the shuttle crew plans to focus its efforts on a range of science and engineering experiments.

8.   If the computer could be re-started Tuesday, the crew planned to re-start the gyrodynes and re-establish automatic guidance control by Wednesday.

9.   In addition to the Mir rendezvous, the shuttle crew plans to deploy a small science satellite for two days of free flight.

10.   Initially crews planned to use a graphite-based dry lubricant.

n. + plan >>共 778
company 13.03%
government 9.01%
group 4.23%
official 4.06%
authority 1.79%
leader 1.51%
team 1.28%
police 1.18%
agency 1.16%
president 1.13%
crew 0.51%
crew + v. >>共 983
be 12.57%
have 4.75%
work 2.99%
try 1.70%
say 1.70%
arrive 1.61%
begin 1.60%
plan 1.23%
continue 1.17%
take 1.17%
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