1. Iprocessing files via Wordpad by dragging them on to its icon than by launching the program that created the file. 2. To do this, we will create a file of addresses using the same variable list document. 3. Two output files are created by the two ASSIGN-OUTPUT-FILE commands. 4. Once the polygon definition file has been created, a second file, containing the statistical data to be mapped onto the polygons, can be generated. 5. The file is created in sequential field. 6. Since these may be binary files or indexed files, the header file is created separately. 7. A user access file is created in the LIFESPAN Installation Directory, for this LIFESPAN Process. 8. For each call to a PI routine, an incident log file is created in the directory specified in the input parameter LIFESPAN--USER. 9. OPENOUT should be used to create new files, or overwrite old ones. 10. Another reason, often overlooked, for difficulties with opening attachments could be that your computer does not have a copy of the program used to create the file. |