1.   Coyotes defenseman Deron Quint woke up Thursday morning expecting to be back in the lineup after missing one game because of a pulled stomach muscle.

2.   Coyotes defenseman Keith Carney, who helped bail out the team down the stretch with numerous defensive stops, has his own theory.

3.   Coyotes defenseman Bryan Helmer has been reassigned to Las Vegas of the IHL twice this season, only to be recalled before he left town.

4.   Coyotes defenseman Gerald Diduck rolled his eyes when asked about the new rule.

5.   Coyotes defenseman Oleg Tverdovsky said the Coyotes have much to gain from a victory tonight.

6.   Coyotes defenseman Louie DeBrusk received an attempt to injure penalty for elbowing Todd Harvey in the head.

n. + defenseman >>共 63
rookie 26.23%
star 13.89%
free-agent 6.17%
devil 4.01%
avalanche 2.78%
blues 2.47%
islander 2.47%
ranger 2.47%
flame 2.47%
stay-at-home 2.47%
coyote 1.85%
coyote + n. >>共 55
population 10.68%
defenseman 5.83%
attack 4.85%
manager 4.85%
center 3.88%
sighting 3.88%
track 3.88%
bite 2.91%
coach 2.91%
official 2.91%
每页显示:    共 6