1.   Correct Addressing and Packaging Show the full correct postal address which should include the post town and postcode.

2.   The chart then guides you through the procedure for finding the correct address.

3.   The correct address will be generated during the second pass.

4.   -- She did not put her correct address on an unemployment application form.

5.   Recipients collect their benefits through a device that is like an automated teller machine, so a correct address is not necessary to collect money.

6.   She needs to check to make sure that field is her correct address.

7.   The correct address is www.jobsmart.org.

8.   The correct Web address is www.zonealarm.com.

9.   The correct address iswww.teachingstrategies.com.

a. + address >>共 523
union 8.99%
televised 8.45%
public 7.12%
return 5.79%
inaugural 3.98%
home 2.79%
new 2.44%
annual 2.00%
opening 1.87%
street 1.84%
correct 0.65%
correct + n. >>共 658
answer 7.50%
way 2.17%
procedure 2.08%
one 1.98%
decision 1.93%
diagnosis 1.93%
spelling 1.56%
information 1.46%
order 1.42%
response 1.32%
address 1.13%
每页显示:    共 24