union address 21.86   I watched the State of the Union address.
  televised address 20.54   Fox lashed back in a televised address.
  public address 17.31   And Leiweke honed a talent for exuberant public addresses.
  return address 14.09   No return address.
  inaugural address 9.68   He did so again in his inaugural address.
  home address 6.78   What is your home address?
  new address 5.92   Is there a new address?
  annual address 4.87   Yeltsin makes annual address.
  opening address 4.54   He offered an ominous assessment in his opening address.
  same address 4.48   Also free, at the same address.
  street address 4.48   It even located a street address.
  first address 4.02   It was her first public address in the Danish language.
  mailing address 3.62   And what is the mailing address?
  state address 3.23   Then, most visible, there was the State of the State address.
  national address 3.16   Here are some national addresses.
  major address 2.96   Two days later in Seattle, Bush plans a major address on trade.
  wrong address 2.83   I put the wrong addresses on darling.
  nationwide address 2.37   In a nationwide address, Cubas appealed for calm.
  last address 2.24   His last address was in Shropshire.
  permanent address 2.24   On it, he game Damascus as his permanent address.
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