1.   Cook noodles, a small handful at a time, in oil.

2.   As soon as the water boils, cook the noodles on medium-high heat according to package directions.

3.   Cook the noodles until al dente.

4.   Cook noodles according to package directions and drain.

5.   Cook noodles according to package directions.

6.   Cook the noodles according to package instructions.

7.   Cook the noodles in a large kettle of salted water.

8.   Cook the noodles in salted water, drain and dump into a casserole.

9.   Cook noodles in large amount of boiling water until a little more tender than al dente.

10.   Cook the noodles according to package directions or until tender.

v. + noodle >>共 96
cook 12.06%
add 10.12%
eat 7.00%
make 5.84%
drain 5.45%
divide 2.72%
use 2.33%
toss 2.33%
bring 1.95%
prepare 1.95%
cook + n. >>共 497
food 6.78%
meal 6.34%
pasta 4.92%
dinner 3.72%
meat 3.06%
chicken 2.35%
rice 2.30%
fish 1.99%
potato 1.77%
vegetable 1.77%
noodle 1.37%
每页显示:    共 31