1.   Drain and lightly rinse, tossing the noodles as you rinse them.

2.   Make a chicken salad with some mango chutney or toss some noodles with peanut sauce.

3.   She then tosses the noodles with the egg to coat and finish cooking.

4.   Toss noodles with dressing, cilantro leaves, scallions, chicken and broccoli.

5.   Toss the noodles with just enough of the dressing to moisten them well, using your fingers to coat and separate the strands.

6.   Toss the noodles vigorously to coat them with the eggs.

v. + noodle >>共 96
cook 12.06%
add 10.12%
eat 7.00%
make 5.84%
drain 5.45%
divide 2.72%
use 2.33%
toss 2.33%
bring 1.95%
prepare 1.95%
toss + n. >>共 770
ball 6.30%
grenade 3.70%
head 1.96%
bomb 1.78%
coin 1.60%
racket 1.51%
football 1.46%
flower 1.37%
salad 1.14%
bottle 1.10%
noodle 0.27%
每页显示:    共 6